I have run into an issue while using the deploy-out and deployment
options for ocpirun.
When running an application with RCC workers, HDL workers and a device
worker we used the deploy-out flag to get the deployment decisions XML
file. We then ran the application using deployment pointing to the XML
file generated by the previous run deploy-out, this run failed as
ocpirun could not find the device worker. No change was made to the XML
file and it was run with the same conditions as previous working runs.
We are using OpenCPI 1.4
Any suggestions on how to use deploy-out and deployment
Can you try running the app with OCPI_LOG_LEVEL=8?
From: discuss discuss-bounces@lists.opencpi.org on behalf of opencpi@douglaskeay.co.uk opencpi@douglaskeay.co.uk
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 4:42 PM
To: discuss@lists.opencpi.org discuss@lists.opencpi.org
Subject: [Discuss OpenCPI] Issues with deploy-out and deployment
I have run into an issue while using the deploy-out and deployment
options for ocpirun.
When running an application with RCC workers, HDL workers and a device
worker we used the deploy-out flag to get the deployment decisions XML
file. We then ran the application using deployment pointing to the XML
file generated by the previous run deploy-out, this run failed as
ocpirun could not find the device worker. No change was made to the XML
file and it was run with the same conditions as previous working runs.
We are using OpenCPI 1.4
Any suggestions on how to use deploy-out and deployment
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