On behalf of the OpenCPI team I am pleased to announce the general availability of the v2.1.1 patch release.
Although this is a patch release, nevertheless, some new features and enhancements managed to slip in, mostly as a consequence of including content that was originally targeted for v2.1.0 but missed the window for inclusion. Highlights relative to the previous v2.1.0 release are:
Support for the generation of generic PCIe HDL primitives has been added.
"file_read.hdl", "pattern_v2", and "file_write.hdl" workers are now split clock workers.
MANY bug fixes, which justified the creation of this patch release ahead of the upcoming v2.2.0 release: see the Changelog for details.
As usual, the release documentation is available at https://opencpi.gitlab.io.
Sincere thanks and gratitude to the team, our partners, customers, and other contributors for their continued contributions and bug reports, all of which are needed to make a release happen.